As Stafford Springs blossoms into a destination arts town and has graciously embraced ESP into its uniqueness, we have stepped up our own contribution.
Our Open Chamber Rehearsal Series for Second Friday Arts on Main and the Main Street gallery space are up and running for arts other than clay.
Local chamber musicians have accepted my invitation to hold working open rehearsals on second Fridays during Arts on Main. It has been a wonderful and unique opportunity for our artsy community to wander through and listen to professional classical musicians in their natural habitat working on music for upcoming concerts. The musicians in return have no rental hall charge, good lighting & heat, free snacks & leftover wine...
Let me know if you're interested in using the space, especially my musician friends. Did I mention we have fish tacos across the street?
open rehearsal & event dates
2nd Fridays for Stafford Springs "Arts on Main"
An arts public community mills along Main Street 6-8:30(ish) for gallery shows, art events, snacks and wine. No fees for musicians, dancers or public. Call Teri at (860) 712-9303 for availability.
Past music events have included: Blackledge Flutes, Claflin Hill Clarinet Quartet, Monarca Guitar Duo, The Studio 85 Summer Strings
closed rehearsal & event dates
Call Teri at (860) 712-9303 for availability