My fancy new point of sale system is still in its box, the trim is still only half painted, and my body aches... But the plumber just hooked up the sink, the guys are painting the basement as I type, and I just moved last night's latest Craigslist toy into place: A sweet new pottery wheel for the upstairs workstation. It's all coming together. Or as my friend Paul would say, "All is proceeding as I have foreseen..."
This is in NO small part due to the amazing, unprecedented and overwhelming support I have received throughout this project and especially last week. Our Grand Opening Celebration was FUN!
The list of people who have helped make this happen is long, and I have thanked many, including family, in private, but I'd still like to acknowledge some very awesome people:
Stafford Springs Main Street! The support, encouragement and comraderie I've received during this entire process has been incredible. The members of this special and unique community have welcomed me, supported me, and promoted my endeavor beyond any expectation.
My party food coordinators! Carol and the Joshes (my Farmers Market friends) not only put together that fine party spread, but did it on a budget AND surprised me by making it gluten-free. (I've been snacking on leftover cake ever since).
My secret sangria recipe source! I have been threatened to not reveal this under penalty of death.
My awesome tango DJ, Sally(!) who stepped in last minute in the midst of a very busy schedule and put together a beautiful playlist of just the right mood. Also for Remy and Jackie who arranged and drove around the big speakers and sound system.
For Daniel and Fernando, for arranging and providing the live music! It was perfect. (Did you notice the acoustics in the shop?? Who knew!)
Sarah! for setting up and running the tile painting station. (Some very impressive results, btw. I'm thinking tiles would make a good one-night workshop theme.)
Miss Carol again for running in last minute and finishing the beautiful lace curtains on the side wall.
Miss Tami for thinking of and gifting the guest book that councidentally evokes coffee bean canvas...
For Angelo and everyone who took some really great memory pictures. Nice, nice, nice.
For my amazing construction team for, well, building the space, for putting up with my regular, "Hey look what I picked off the side of the road!" finds, and for working through the last three weekends (no exaggeration) to get it ready in time. Oh and the secret office loft futon! I have no idea how they got it up there. Magic.
For Bernadette for making the most awesome party shirt ever! (and a lampshade). And Wayne for owning a Lego Deathstar.
And for everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to come and celebrate with me! Many of you drove long distances, and I really appreciate it. It was so much fun seeing old friends as well as new. (And I noted that a common somewhat snarky sense of humor made its way through groups who had never met before... Hmm...)
Thank you, thank you, thank you! As I said Friday night, I am... overwhelmed by your friendship and support. :)
My crafty Mom made sure I had some special touches from long-distance